The Apostles: Andrew, Part Three
/Last time we mentioned that Andrew the disciple became Andrew the teacher at the very first introduction to “The LAMB of GOD!” What was his lesson that day? Who was his pupil? Why does it matter? His pupil was his own brother, Simon Peter. His lesson was not taught in a classroom. He did not stand behind a pulpit of some cathedral or proclaim from the mountain tops. He did not ‘wax eloquent’ as an orator might speak. He simply called to his brother, then led him to CHRIST. However, his lesson was indeed profound; powerful, clear and to the point. “We have found the MESSIAH!” Why do I consider that statement to be a powerful lesson? First, it is a lesson about faith. Andrew didn’t need to get his theology degree to recognize who JESUS was. He didn’t need to sit through endless debates. He simply surmised his belief that JESUS was the MESSIAH from one phrase out of the mouth of his teacher, “Behold the LAMB of GOD!” Second, Andrew displays a measure of humility. He did not make sole claim for having discovered the MESSIAH. He said, “WE have found the MESSIAH!” He included his friend and business partner, John, a son of Zebedee. Third, well, HE’S the MESSIAH! Is there a better lesson? This would indicate that Andrew was educated in some way in the prophecies of Scripture. Somehow, the statement, ‘LAMB of GOD’ encapsulated all the MESSIANIC promises into one short phrase. Andrew was not just some dumb hick who smelled like fish. This man continued to be a teaching disciple. While JESUS was on the earth, Andrew carried the Gospel message of the Kingdom to others. If traditions hold true, he continued in that mission to his martyrdom. There is something beautiful about leading another person to CHRIST. As Isaiah wrote, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings Good News, who publishes Peace, who brings Good News of happiness, who publishes Salvation, who says to Zion, “Your GOD reigns.” JESUS once washed Andrew’s feet with water. But it wasn’t water that made them beautiful, it was the Gospel of JESUS.
Russell Ashby